4 Reasons Traveling By Plane is Better Than Traveling By Bus

While planning your next trip, it is very important to wisely chose your way of transportation. Buses, cars, trains, boats, bicycles and airplanes, the list is long. However, in this article, we will show you why traveling by airplane is the best choice.


Yes, you might see a lot more if traveling by bus or train. You can enjoy the beautiful landscapes, mountains, rivers, cities, but why wasting time in a vehicle when there are so much great things to explore in the city or place you are visiting.


As we said earlier, traveling by plane is much faster than going by bus, but it is also comfier. Just think about your poor knees when you get out after a 12-hour bus ride.


How many plane crashes are there? Well, much less than car or bus accidents. So, if you want a safe trip, buy a plane ticket rather than a bus ticket.

No Waiting At The Borders

If still chose to travel by bus or your car, be prepared to wait more at the crossing borders. When traveling by plane, you do everything at once.