4 Dishes You Must Try When You Visit Argentina

Image by Gabriel Avellaneda from Pixabay

Wherever you travel, you get a unique chance to try out different cuisines of the world and Argentina is a great place for foodie travelers. The country’s cuisine is a blend of Mediterranean, European, and South American influences and here are the dishes you must try while there.


Stuffed pockets of dough known as empanadas are the most popular street food in Argentina. They can be baked or fried and come with many different stuffings, including meat, cheese, and veggie versions.


This is a sausage sandwich typically served as a barbecue entree. You can have it with a spicy sauce named chimichurri, or opt for a salsa Criolla version. Chorizo is usually made from pork and you can also find boar sausages in some restaurants.


Any pizza fan should try Argentinian pizza. It’s typically rich in cheese but doesn’t have too much tomato sauce. Popular garnishes include olives, oregano, and chili flakes.


As its name suggests, this is another dish with an Italian influence. What You may know as escalope, it’s made from a piece of beef thinned down with a hammer, rolled in breadcrumbs, and fried or baked—similarly to a schnitzel.