3 Exciting Things to Do in Peru

Inca Trail, Peru. Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

Peru is a unique country with many natural, cultural and historical treasures that have fascinated people for hundreds of years. According to the World Meteorological Organization, Peru enjoys 28 out of the 32 world climates, which creates a fascinatingly diverse ecosystem and natural variety, and offers limitless possibilities for adventure. Here are three cool activities to begin your trip to Peru with!

Explore the real Amazon

Did you know that Peru has the second largest amount of Amazon Rainforest after Brazil? The Peruvian Amazon covers 60% of the country, creating a rare ecosystem when combined with the mighty Andean Mountain range and the Pacific Ocean.

Hike the Inca Trail

The ancient Inca ruins, considered to be some of the most beautiful sites in the world, are best experienced when hiking the Inca Trail. This is an unforgettable four-day trek along an ancient path between soaring mountains to get to a secret city.

Eat like there’s no tomorrow!

From the highlands to the jungle, young Peruvian chefs are creating some of the most exciting dishes on the planet in the past few years. Peru’s national dish, the ceviche, is made from sea bass marinated in lime juice with onion, salt and hot chili which is a must-try!