How to Hit Your Protein Goals While Camping or Van Living 

Kitchen inside a van
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

If you’re a lover of nature and the wonderful outdoors, then traveling with a tent or van are an ideal way to experience these joys. Sleeping in the wilderness and waking up to nothing but nature is the greatest feeling for many people. However there are some drawbacks, and preparing and cooking balanced, tasty meals can be one of them. There are so many aspects to consider when choosing food, but a big one for many people is protein and this can be harder to factor in when camping. Here are some simple ways to ensure you’re getting a protein hit with your meals.

Bring Tinned Pulses

Tins of pulses are your best friend when cooking while camping. They are super healthy and really easy to prepare. They’re also very versatile and can be used as the base for many meals including pasta, salads, and sandwiches. They are also excellent sources of protein, making them perfect to bring along on your trip. 

Opt for Nuts and Seeds for Snacks

If you love to snack between meals then try to bring high-protein snacks with you. Instead of chips, bring some salted nuts or a bag of mixed seeds. These will keep you feeling fuller for longer and contribute to your protein goals.

Don’t Forget Fish

As well as tinned pulses, tinned fish is an ideal way to get some healthy protein while camping. You can choose from a range of fish types, such as tuna, sardines, mackerel, and much more.