The Ultimate Guide to Souvenir Shopping in Africa

Image via checkoutrwanda on Instagram

Everyone loves shopping, especially in such a unique place like Africa. However, finding the perfect souvenir can be quite adventurous. Follow these tips to make sure that your shopping is both enjoyable and successful.

Only Buy Legal Stuff

Avoid illegal items that could easily get you into trouble. Souvenirs made from animal products such as tortoiseshell, ivory and the fur, skin or body parts of protected species are a big no-no.


Bargaining is very popular in the African markets. Start by having the first asked price and start haggling from there. Walking away to get the price down quickly is a great method if your seller is a tough nut to crack. However, keep in mind that in poverty-stricken places the market sellers depend on their sales for survival, so paying a little bit more will make you feel better, knowing that you have helped someone to cover the day’s living costs.

Exchanging Good

In some African countries, you can exchange material goods for souvenirs. Clothes with brand names such as sneakers, jeans, baseball hats, T-shirts etc. are the perfect exchanging currency. Africans are also very much into soccer as well, so everything related to this popular sport can get you a souvenir.