Tips For Finding The Best Pet-Friendly Airline

Photo by Timothy Meinberg on Unsplash

Traveling with pets isn’t easy, but it is necessary if you are moving to a new country or going away for a long time. There are a few tips and tricks to make sure that your pet has the best travel experience possible. It all starts with pet-friendly airlines.

Tip 1: A Health Check

Older pets do not travel as well as younger pets. That means before you make the big decision to take them on a plane they should have a health check with their vet. Your vet will let you know if your pet is up to the journey or not. 

Tip 2: Research Airlines

Some airlines are well-regulated when it comes to transporting pets. They ensure that a dog is walked in-between flights, regularly checked on, and always have enough food and water in their pet carriers. Reading reviews of fellow travelers, who have used the pet transport service will give you a good idea of who you want to care for your faithful companion. 

Tip 3: Contact Airlines

Regulations for pet travel can change, and you want to ensure that all the airlines you are flying on adhere to them. They may also vary by country, which means the care your pets receive may not be to the standard you would like. Talk to a service agent, and discuss your pet’s individual needs. You will get a feel for how the airline regards pets, and their car. Then you can use your judgement, and choose the best airline for you and your pet.

Now you and your pet can jet off into the sun!