This Incredible Underwater Park is Located in Austria

Grüner See is a lake located in in a village named Tragöß in Styria, Austria, best known for its emerald-green hue and the fluctuating depth that often leaves the park completely submerged in it.

At its fullest, in the spring, many tourists gather to enjoy this incredible site. Below the lake’s surface, the divers can see a bridge, a bench, and even trees.

“It fills with crystal-clear spring water from the snowmelt on the mountains. The height of the water level depends on the amount of snow received during the winter and also depends on the precipitation,” reads the official tourism portal of Styria, Steiermark. “The water level slowly recedes until autumn. In the winter, the water in the lake disappears almost completely. This cycle can take place annually only because nature and the environment are still in order in Styria.”