Things to Keep in Mind About Making the Bed at Your Hotel

Hotel bed
Photo by Vojtech Bruzek on Unsplash

Staying at a hotel comes with many perks, and having someone to clean after you is one of them. A lot of travelers use this as an excuse to leave a huge mess behind, but you shouldn’t be one of them. If you want to be respectful towards the hotel staff, here are a few things you should keep in mind about making the bad before leaving your hotel.

Not Too Neat

If you hate leaving a huge mess behind you, you’ll be tempted to leave your bed the same way you found it, but this is best avoided. There’s nothing wrong with making your bed, but you should make sure it’s obvious it has been used.

If your bed is made way too neatly, there’s a chance hotel staff will think it wasn’t used. It’s much better to leave the bed unmade, so they would know that it’s necessary to change the sheets.

Stripping the Beds

If you insist on helping the cleaning staff do their job, strip your bed instead of making it. Strip the bedding, pile the sheets and dirty towels together, and leave them in a visible place so the staff can pick it all up at once and take it to the washing machine.