Things You Should Know Before Traveling To Kathmandu

Image via Tiago Rosado on Unsplash

Kathmandu is the principal city of the mountainous country of Nepal. Situated about 1,400 meters above sea level, this city serves as the home to more than half of the population of Nepal. If you ever plan on visiting it, these are the things you should know:

The City of Fusion

Due to its position, Kathmandu was located in the middle of the ancient trade route between India and Tibet, which resulted in a fusion of culture, tradition and architecture.

Look Out for Celebrities

Because of its beauty and heritage monuments, Kathmandu is often choosen as the backdrop for many popular movies and TV shows. So, don’t be surprised if you see a celebrity wondering down the streets of the capital.


In Nepal, people salute each other by touching both their arms saying “Namaste”, which means “I salute the God in you”. However, younger boys and girls are adopting to the modern life, so if you get in touch with them, freely greet them with a simple “hello” or “hi”.

Don’t get Freaked by The Freak Street

Freak Street is a very popular street in the capital of Nepal. Located located at the south of Kathmandu Durbar Square it gets its name from the hippie trail of the 1960s and 1970s. Then, tourists and hippies were drawn to the street due to government-run hashish shops.