Pre-Travel Prep: 5 Things You Can Do To Make Your Return Home Easier

Photo by Pascal Meier on Unsplash

Coming back from two weeks in the sun knowing you have work the next day is bad enough as it is. Coming home to discover that the house is upside down and there is no food in the house, well that pretty much instantly undoes the relaxed mind you gained on your trip.

Here are some tips for your pre-travel checklist to make getting home a more relaxing experience.

Clean Up

Before you head off, make sure you give the house a thorough clean. Make sure there are no cups of tea or dirty plates lying about because when you get back after your trip, they will be covered in mold and flies. The key is to make your house an environment you want to come back to and not somewhere where there are lots of errands to be done.

Stock Up On Food

Obviously, there is no point buying fresh fruit or veg before you go away as they will perish before you get back. Stock up on some basics like pasta and tinned tomatoes. Maybe even stick a ready meal in the freezer or freeze leftovers before you go. Make sure there are teabags and coffee so that when you get back, you can relax and refuel before you do your big food shop.

Clean Your Sheets

One of the best things about staying in a hotel is that fresh sheet feeling. Make your bed a place you look forward to coming back to by cleaning your sheets and bedding before you go.

Turn Off Appliances

To avoid being stuck with a surprise electricity bill, be sure to power down your appliances and devices. Cut off your TV and game consoles as these continue to use electricity even when switched off.