Planning a Trip to the Far East? Here are Some Essential Pre-Travel Tips

Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, Taiwan
Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, Taiwan. Photo by Rovin Ferrer on Unsplash

Going to the Far East for the first time is an adventure like no other. You’re expected to enjoy a fascinating cultural experience as you encounter sights, smells, tastes, and customs that are entirely different from the ones you know. But significant differences also mean unique preparation—so before you go, consider these vital pre-travel tips to make sure you have a smooth and safe trip.

Health First

Keep your journey worry-free by getting vaccinated against common diseases like hepatitis and typhoid. It’s also recommended to pack a basic medical kit for some extra peace of mind.

Cultural Sensitivity

When arriving at a new country, not to mention a new continent, one of the best practices is doing your best to respect local customs and traditions. Learn a few local phrases to enhance communication and show appreciation.

Connectivity and Cash

Plan for connectivity by getting a local SIM card or international data plan. It’s best to carry a mix of cash and cards and be careful of public Wi-Fi for secure transactions.

Entry Requirements

Check visa and entry requirements in advance to avoid last-minute problems. Some countries may require visas or have specific entry regulations, so be sure to have all necessary documentation ready before departure.