Plan a Budget-Friendly Visit to Touristy Markets in Five Short Steps

Outdoor market
Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

Local markets offer a unique window into the soul of a new city, helping you experience it in the most authentic light. The tricky thing is that many of these markets are overpriced because they’ve been tailored with tourists in mind, but we’re here to help you keep your visit on a budget-friendly side.

Budget & Shopping List

Have a well-defined budget and a shopping list before heading to touristy markets. This strategy will help you avoid the allure of impulse purchases and resist the temptation to overspend.

Don’t Rush It

Take some time to explore the sea of stalls at a local market so you could gather all the information about the prices and carefully compare them before buying anything.

Haggling Master

Local markets are a perfect place to master your haggling skills. Don’t hesitate to engage in some friendly bargaining to secure a better deal, especially if you’re making a big purchase in one place.

Avoid Classic Souvenirs

If you’re planning to shop for generic souvenirs during your trip, consider buying them away from the bustling tourist hubs. They’re usually overpriced at busy local markets, so it’s better to focus on more authentic street foods and handicrafts that you can’t find anywhere else.