Mongolian Cuisine is Bursting With Incredible Nomadic Flavors

Mongolia. Photo by Bolatbek Gabiden on Unsplash

Mongolia, a land of vast steppes and nomadic traditions, offers a culinary journey as unique as its landscape. The country’s cuisine, deeply influenced by the nomadic lifestyle, is a hearty and robust affair, designed to sustain through the harsh winters and nomadic journeys.

Meat, Meat, Meat

One of the cornerstones of Mongolian cuisine is meat, particularly mutton, beef, and horse meat, reflecting the importance of livestock in Mongolian culture. A visit to Mongolia is incomplete without trying the traditional dish “Buuz” – steamed dumplings filled with meat and seasoned with onion, garlic, and salt. This simple yet flavorful dish encapsulates the essence of Mongolian cooking.


Another must-try is “Borts” – dried meat that Mongolians carry with them during long journeys. When rehydrated, Borts transforms into a nourishing meal, often served in soups or stews. It’s a testament to the ingenuity of Mongolian cooking, adapted to a nomadic way of life.

Dairy Products

Mongolia’s dairy products are also noteworthy. From “Aaruul” (dried curd) to “Airag” (fermented mare’s milk), these dairy delights offer a glimpse into the traditional flavors cherished by the Mongolian people.

In recent years, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital, has seen a rise in restaurants blending traditional Mongolian cuisine with modern culinary techniques, offering visitors a taste of both the old and the new.