Keep These Items with You for a COVID-Free Flight

Flying in a COVID-19-conditioned world is a tough and often nerve-wracking task. While studies have indicated that traveling on planes is relatively safe, there are some things you’ll want to do in order to reduce your chances of getting sick while traveling.

Here are some things you should have on hand at all times while flying.

Hand Sanitizer

The amount of common surfaces you’ll touch while in a plane and in airports is considerable, and you’ll want to sanitize your hands with an alcohol-based solution after touching them. This will kill almost all germs that might end up on your hands and possibly infecting you.

A Quality Mask

Flying with a mask is mandatory almost everywhere on Earth now, but not all masks are equal. Don’t opt for a simple bandana or plastic shield, which allows plenty of germs in. Instead, opt for a quality cloth mask, a surgical mask, or an N95 mask, all of which offer higher levels of protection.

Sanitizing Wipes

While it might be tempting to just settle into your flight routine while on a plane, it’s important to take sanitizing wipes with you to take care of any germs that flight cleanup crews might not have been able to get to. This will allow you to feel comfortable when touching in-flight entertainment systems, tray tables, and the like.