Is being a Tour Guide the Right Job for You?

Photo by Chastagner Thierry on Unsplash

For many of us, being a tour guide sounds like the best job in the world as it allows you to turn your passion into a lucrative profession, and live an endless journey.

To become a tour guide, one should love to travel, of course. This job means being away from home most of the time, and most of the year.

Of course, being a professional tour guide means seeing the trip from a different perspective. You are responsible for your travelers, their comfort, their safety, and are having a fun experience. This means a lot of logistics.

A good tour guide is one who does not get stressed out, even when things are not going as expected and always has another plan ready in case the original plan fails.

To become a tour guide, you should study a professional course. Choose to study an area you particularly like, and where you speak the locale language.

It is very worthwhile to choose this profession when you like people of all kinds and to be very patient with different types of travelers and tourists since everyone is different in this sense.