How to Involve Your Kids in Travel Planning

Family vacation
Photo by Juan Cruz Mountford on Unsplash

If you’ve ever traveled with kids, you’ve likely experienced how much more complicated it is than traveling with other adults. Beyond typically having different interests, kids thrive on routine and can be easily thrown off by the disruption to their schedules or even just being in an unfamiliar environment. While there’s no magic solution, involving your kids in the planning process can give them back a sense of control and help make travel more enjoyable for everyone. Read on for some of our tried-and-true tips.

Destination Exploration

The first step in planning almost any trip is choosing a destination, so if you haven’t already decided on where you want to go, explore potential options alongside your children. Let them express their preferences, and consider a variety of environments such as beach retreats, historical cities, or camping in the wilderness. Depending on their age, you can even encourage them to do their own research to foster a sense of ownership and excitement.

Create Your Itinerary 

Once you’ve agreed on a destination, you can start putting together a list of things you’d like to do. Ask your child about their preferred activities, or make suggestions based on what you think they might like.  To keep things balanced and enjoyable for all, try to include a range of activities and allow each family member to choose one. 

Packing Party

Let’s be real; packing is boring, but add a little music and some tasty snacks, and you’ve got yourself a packing party. Together, make a list of everything you’ll need, allotting space for your kids to bring their favorite toys and comfort items. You can even make packing feel like a game by creating small challenges such as “whoever rolls all of their clothes fastest wins!”