Here is Why You Shouldn’t Never Place Your Suitcase on the Bed When Packing and Unpacking

Suitcase on bed
Photo by American Green Travel on Unsplash

We have all done it at some point. When we are about to go on a trip or return from it, we place our suitcases on the bed to pack or unpack our things. And while this is the most convenient option for many people, it is also something you should never do.

Never Place Your Suitcase on the Bed

You shouldn’t place a suitcase on your bed because of all the destinations it has visited and everything it has been through.

While traveling, we drag our suitcases on the ground and store them in all sorts of places, and we usually are not worried whether they get dirty. This makes them a hotbed for bacteria, and you definitely don’t want any of those near the place you sleep.

Also, don’t disregard the danger of bed bugs. They can easily hitch a ride in your luggage without you even being aware of that. By resting your suitcase on the bed, you are inviting them to make their home there.

What is the Best Alternative?

The best alternative is to keep your suitcase on the floor. Sure, it requires a bit more effort, but that is nothing in comparison with the dangers that you might get yourself into when placing your suitcase on the bed.