Google’s Explore Destinations Tool is Great for Cheap Travel

Photo by Harley-Davidson on Unsplash

Have you ever just wanted to get away? It might seem difficult to find affordable, new destinations that you can visit during limited amounts of free time, but there are tools to help you achieve this goal.

One of our favorite websites that provides a fantastic tool for booking and planning travel is Google’s “Explore Destinations.”

Accessed by visiting the Google Flights page, Explore Destinations allows you to see what airfares are available during whatever period of free time you might have in the near or far-away future.

By simply plugging in the dates you have available for travel, Google will give you a map of possible destinations with the prices of flights or other transportation options included. You can even apply a price filter if you have a set budget in mind!

This tool can show you great options for visiting cities and regions that might not immediately come to mind while thinking about travel. Both small and large airports are included in this tool, as are train stations. That’s right: Explore Destinations can even recommend travel via rail.

Have travel date flexibility? No problem! Google Flights also allows you to look for possible tickets by exploring via month-long periods as well as by simply searching for weekends or week-long trips in the next six months.

So, if you are looking to book a trip but find yourself overwhelmed by the possibilities, allow Google’s Explore Destinations tool to do the dirty work for you.