Dangerously Saline Red Lake Natron in Tanzania

Lake Natron in Tanzania is a unique site but can also be very dangerous for those who aren’t adjusted. The temperatures there reach 60ºC (that’s 140ºF) and the ph level is 10. Thanks to its rare red color, Lake Natron is an attractive tourist destination and something worth visiting at least once in a lifetime.

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🇧🇷O lago Natron é um lago salgado localizado no norte da Tanzânia, perto da fronteira com o Quênia, e a nordeste da cratera de Ngorongoro, no ramo oriental do imenso Grande Vale do Rift da África. É provavelmente o corpo de água mais cáustico do mundo. O lago é alimentado pelo rio Ewaso Ng'iro do sul e também por fontes termais ricas em minerais. É pouco profundo, com menos de três metros, e varia em largura dependendo do seu nível de água, que muda devido a altos níveis de evaporação, deixando concentrações de sal e outros minerais, principalmente carbonato de sódio. . O lago tem uma cor profundamente vermelha característica daqueles onde ocorrem taxas muito elevadas de evaporação. À medida que a água evapora durante a estação seca, os níveis de salinidade aumentam ao ponto de os microrganismos amantes do sal começarem a prosperar. O pigmento fotossintético, acessório vermelho nas cianobactérias, produz os vermelhos profundos das águas abertas do lago e as cores laranja das partes rasas do lago. ……. 🇺🇸Lake Natron is a salt lake located in northern Tanzania, close to the Kenyan border, and just north east of the Ngorongoro Crater, in the eastern branch of Africa's immense Great Rift Valley. Is probably the world's most caustic body of water. The lake is fed by the Southern Ewaso Ng'iro River and also by mineral-rich hot springs. It is quite shallow, less than three meters (10 feet) deep, and varies in width depending on its water level, which changes due to high levels of evaporation, leaving concentrations of salt and other minerals, notably sodium carbonate. . The lake has a deep red color characteristic of those where very high evaporation rates occur. As water evaporates during the dry season, salinity levels increase to the point that salt-loving microorganisms begin to thrive. The red accessory photosynthesizing pigment in the cyanobacteria produces the deep reds of the open water of the lake, and orange colors of the shallow parts of the lake. [geologyin] . #geology #geologyrocks #ilovegeology #geologia #geological #geologist #geologicalwonder #lakenatron #tanzania

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The color of the water ranges from orange to red and pink thanks to the microorganisms living in the lake. Despite its alkaline property, the lake is a habitat for flamingos, which only makes it more beautiful. Since there are no predators here, the pink birds are safe to feed and nest near this amazing lake.