Common Day Trip Mistakes You Should Avoid Making at All Costs

Day trips can be one of the most satisfying forms of travel if you know how to do them right. Plan a perfect day trip and make the best of it by avoiding these common mistakes.

Going Too Far

Traveling too far is not an option when it comes to day trips, especially if you’re driving. Aim for a destination that’s between an hour or two from your starting point because you’ll feel too tired to drive after the whole day exploring a new place.

Getting Up Late

The earlier you get up, the more time you’ll have to discover all the amazing, hidden spots the place you’re visiting has in store. It’s always a good idea to hit the road first thing in the morning.

Not Planning Ahead

Do your research before embarking on your trip. It will save you a lot of time in the long-run and you won’t have to worry if you missed seeing something important during your visit.

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🇬🇧 I absolutely love that time that comes before a trip, the one you start to plan! I love planning, I'm the kind of person who reads 10 different websites and 3 travel guides, the one who highlits the things to do with coloured markers and every colour has a different meaning. What I love the most is making the list of things I wanna bring with me, which is always huge until I eventually realize I need to leave some stuff at home unless I wanna travel on a big truck. ⁣ ⁣ 📎 When I was younger I was obsessed by planning and I was literally organizing each and every day and hour of my trip. Eventually I learnt to plan just the essential and not worrying about the rest. Cause the beauty of traveling is that: allow yourself to be carried by the circumstances.⁣ ⁣ ✏️ Are you an obsessed planning-weirdo like me or you justleave things to chance?⁣ ⁣ 🇮🇹 Amo alla follia quel periodo che precede il viaggio, quello in cui si inizia a pianificare! Sono una pianificatrice nata, di quelle che prima di partire consultano 10 siti e 3 guide diverse, che sottolineano le cose da fare con i pennarelli colorati, e ogni colore ha il suo significato. La parte che preferisco è fare la lista delle cose da mettere nello zaino, che all'inizio è sempre infinita e di man in mano che si avvicina la data inizio a realizzare che a meno che non voglia partire con una camion di roba devo cancellare qualcosa. ⁣ ⁣ 📎 Quando ero più giovane organizzavo letteralmente ogni giorno, ora per ora. Poi col tempo ho imparato a pianificare solo l'indispensabile, e lasciare tutto il resto al caso, perché il bello di viaggiare è soprattutto quello: essere liberi di farsi trasportare dalle circostanze.⁣ ⁣ ✏️ Che tipo di viaggiatori siete? Super-organizzati o del tipo ndo cojo cojo?

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Proper Nutrition

The tricky thing about day trips is that you’re always on the go and it’s easy to forget about food and water. Remember to stay properly hydrated by having a reusable water bottle by your side and grab a bite to eat at a local café or two that perfectly fit into your schedule.