3 Types of Friends You Probably Shouldn’t Travel With

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Hitting the road with your friends can make or break your friendship, and that’s why you should be extremely careful about picking your travel buddies. Some people make great friends, but terrible travel companions, and these three types fall under that category.

Friends Who Are Always Late

You need reliable people by your side during your travels, not friends who are always late and constantly canceling your plans. Traveling can be relaxing, but you’ll often have to get up early and be very time-conscious if you want to see everything that a new city has in store.

Friends Who Aren’t Responsible with Money

Money will play an important role in the way your trip will shape up, and that’s why it’s always a good idea to travel with friends in a similar financial state. If they’re too cheap, you’ll end up missing some experiences, while the ones who are too irresponsible with their money will have you going over the budget.

Friends Who Aren’t Self-Sufficient

You should travel with your friends because it’s fun, not because they’re not capable of making plans on their own. You’ll also need to take breaks from each other every once in a while and that’s much easier to do if you’re traveling with self-sufficient people.