3 Things to Know Before You Book an Airbnb with No Reviews

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

Booking an Airbnb with no reviews may seem sketchy, but someone needs to be that person’s first guest! Here are three things you need to know before you do it.

It’s Probably a New Listing

A listing with no reviews is likely new, which doesn’t help you make a decision so you should look for other clues. Has the owner posted enough photos and a detailed description to help you make your mind? You can typically see if they’re putting in the effort to attract guests. You can also check if they got reviews as a guest from other listings.

It Can Be Cheaper

Why would you go for a listing with no ratings anyway? Because it’s probably cheaper! It’s important to the owner to get the first few ratings so they will likely offer a lower price in the beginning. Watch out for deals that are too good to be true because they’re probably fake.

Leave Yourself Other Options

Only consider booking a listing with no reviews if you’re sure you can easily find another option in case something goes wrong. You don’t want to do this in cities like Paris where it would be difficult and expensive to find something else last-minute.