3 Steps to Follow When Asking Strangers to Take Your Travel Photos

Photo by Kace Rodriguez on Unsplash

If you’re a solo traveler looking for a way to commemorate each trip with amazing photos, asking strangers for a favor is your best shot. They’ll usually agree, but that doesn’t necessarily mean their photos will be good – unless you also put in some extra effort by following these three steps.

Just Observe

Some people are simply better at taking pictures than others, so be on the lookout for those who seem skilled with the camera. If someone asks you first, make sure to put in some effort, and feel free to ask them to return the favor.

Pick Your Frame

Don’t expect a stranger that you accidentally stumbled upon to take professional photos without giving them any directions. Be specific and tell them exactly what you want in the frame, because it’s highly unlikely you’ll get what you want otherwise.

Feel Free

Taking a photo only takes a few seconds, so feel free to ask for a couple and not just one. If you’re not happy with the results, and your new friend is happy to take a couple more, there’s no harm in that as long as you don’t go overboard. Make sure to thank them every time, and check if they want their photos taken, as well.

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That's wonderful news, I invite you to go with me to retreat-tour to India! With @followmeto team we’ve prepared a surprise for you – from 21st till 26th August we will visit ashram "Isha" for the unique "Inner engineering" program and meet Sadhguru in person. Sadhguru is one of the wisest men of today and one of the most authoritative yoga-masters in the world. Inner Engineering is an opportunity to engineer an inner transformation that deepens your perception, bringing about a dimensional shift in the very way you look at your life, your work, and the world that you inhabit. It is offered as an intensive program for personal growth and establishes the possibility of exploring the higher dimensions of life, in addition to optimising health and success.Do you feel you should go with us? So apply on the link in bio. Друзья, это невероятная новость – я приглашаю вас отправиться вместе со мной в ретрит-тур в Индию! Мы с командой @followmeto подготовили для вас такой сюрприз: с 21 по 26 августа мы посетим ашрам «Иша», чтобы пройти уникальную программу «Внутренняя инженерия» и лично встретиться с мудрейшим человеком современности – Садхгуру, о котором пишут книги и за которым следуют миллионы людей по всей планете. Внутренняя инженерия – это возможность запустить внутри себя процесс трансформации, которая раскроет ваш потенциал и приведет к сдвигу в восприятии жизни, работы и мира вокруг. Это интенсивная программа, направленная на внутренний рост, качественные жизненные изменения, а также на физическое здоровье и успех. Чувствуете, что вы должны поехать туда с нами? Тогда оставляйте заявку по ссылке в профиле.

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