3 Fun Food Festivals To Visit in the U.S. Next Year

food festival
Photo by Praveen Gupta on Unsplash

Food festivals can be a fun way to discover new and amazing flavors. But beyond the food, these events can also be vibrant celebrations of culture and local life. For three amazing food experiences next year, why not check out one of these festivals?

New York Garlic Festival

Located in the scenic Hudson Valley, the New York Garlic Festival is a dream come true for garlic lovers. This pungent and popular herb takes center stage in a variety of forms, from garlic-infused dishes to garlic ice cream. While you’re there, you can also attend workshops and seminars by garlic experts to learn more.

Castroville Artichoke Festival

This quirky and fun festival honors the thistle-like vegetable with artichoke cooking demonstrations, artichoke-themed art, and even an artichoke parade. Dive into dishes like artichoke ravioli, fried artichokes, and artichoke soup. Plus, enjoy the live entertainment, field tours, and more. 

Martha’s Vineyard Food & Wine Festival

For a more refined culinary experience, set your sights on the Martha’s Vineyard Food & Wine Festival. This elegant affair is a celebration of the island’s rich gastronomic culture and the bounty of sea and land. The festival attracts renowned chefs, vintners, sommeliers, and food enthusiasts from all over the world and always includes special surprises.