3 Foods You Must Try in Ethiopia

Akaki Kality, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Photo by melat 161 on Unsplash

Ethiopian food is one of the biggest draws to booking a trip to this east African country. Although it is starting to gain popularity all over the world, there is no place to try some of the country’s special dishes like inside of its own borders. Foodies, if you book a trip to Ethiopia, don’t leave until you have sampled these three dishes!


Do you like stir-fries? If so, you will undoubtedly love tibs, which is like an Ethiopian version of this classic Asian dish. Beef or venison are typically used as the base for this dish, which also contains chopped vegetables that are combined with fragrant spices and red wine.


The staple of Ethiopian food is injera, a spongy type of bread made from the flour of a native plant. This bread is used as the method for picking up food, as the country’s many stews and lentil dishes soak into the injera as you pick it up. Yum!


It can get pretty hot in Ethiopia, which might leave you looking for something cool and refreshing to eat. Azifa is a great option! This cold lentil salad contains green peppers, tomatoes, lemon, and olive oil and is great for sweltering weather.