3 Airplane Etiquette Rules We Should All Be Following

Plane etiquette
Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

There are few people who enjoy their time spent on an airplane, especially on a long flight of eight or more hours. With how cramped and packed flights are, you end up at the mercy of strangers whose inconsiderate behavior can really affect you. So in the spirit of treating people how you want to be treated, here are three etiquette rules you should always follow while flying.

Don’t Overstay in the Aisle

There are some people who really like to take their time in the aisle on flights, taking forever to put their things in the overhead bin and spending much of the flight getting up or just standing in the aisle. This can be super annoying whenever somebody else needs to use the aisle to, you know, get around, so try not to be one of those people.

Middle Seat Gets First Pick of Armrests

Everybody knows that the middle seat is the worst one on a flight. You get not one but two people encroaching in on your personal space. The one thing that makes it slightly tolerable is that you know you’ll get both armrests. So if you’re sitting next to a middle-seater, give them that armrest. They need it.

Watch Your Smells and Noises

There’s no escaping other people on airplanes, which means that every word you speak, every burp you burp, every food you bring onto the plane, and the loud volume leaking from your headphones will all be experienced by everybody around you. So for Pete’s sake, have mercy.