We all know the saying, a dog is man’s best friend, right? For many of us, there’s nothing like the joy of taking home an adorable puppy and making it a part of our family for many happy years.

Images by No-longer-here/Pixabay; Jappitoo/Wikimedia Commons; BullyB6/Wikimedia Commons
But as we know, dog ownership can also be very expensive, with training, food, and toys—but what about when the dog itself is incredibly pricey? Let’s take a look at some of the most expensive pedigrees in the world—and just how much some people are willing to spend on their beloved furry friends.
Chesapeake: $800-$1500
These happy pups are known as Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, and they are often used as hunting dogs. With their high energy levels and waterproof coats, they are particularly helpful hunting ducks or other water birds.

Image by George Makatura/Wikimedia Commons
They are also incredibly intelligent, meaning they need to keep busy and active—and they fetch a pretty penny, too! The average price for a Chesapeake is around $1,500, but the high end can get up to even $5,000. Wowsa!
Borzoi: $1500-$3000
The borzoi is a beautiful, slender breed of dog originally bred for the Russian aristocracy. Its name means “swift” in Russian, and it certainly is fitting! They can run up to 40 miles per hour, so they are more than just their beauty.

Image by ragnahellberg/Pixabay
A pure-bred Borzoi puppy can sell for up to $3,000, so even if you’re not a member of the Russian elite, you might need that sort of level of wealth to go for this furry friend!
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog: $1,500
What a stunning prime specimen. This beauty came about in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s, as a crossbreed between German Shepherds and Carpathian wolves. Wolves! They are a truly breathtaking combination, with the brains of the Shepherd and the brawn of wolves.

Image by Margo Peron/Wikimedia Commons
Czechoslovakia’s national dog, the Wolfdog is incredibly rare and even more incredibly expensive—fetching up to a whopping $50,000. Still, you can get a puppy for and avarage price of $1500.
Dalmatian: $1,600
Considering this dog breed is also a literary sensation and movie star, it’s no surprise that a Dalmatian puppy can fetch up to around $3,000.

Image by Rebecca Scholz/Pixabay
It became mega-popular in the 1960s thanks to the success of the Disney movie, and remains a favorite of dog lovers around the world, thanks to its beauty, loyalty, and intelligence. That’s why people are willing to pay such a hefty price for these dogs!
Azawakh: $2,500-$8,500
This dog is named after a region in sub-Saharan Africa, where they are incredibly popular as a companion dog and excellent lookout. They are super skinny and very active, but what’s great about them is they barely need any grooming.

Image by Lilly M/Wikimedia Commons
Incredibly loyal and affectionate, you’ve got a friend for life in an Azawakh—as long as you can afford the roughly $2,500 to $8,500 price tag for them.
Dogue de Bordeaux: $2,500
It’s easy to see how people can end up paying through the nose for their own Dogue de Bordeaux. Not only are they incredibly cute and unique looking, but they are so massive—often weighing over 100 pounds when fully grown!

Image by Jan Steiner/Pixabay
They do have a short life expectancy, around five to eight years, but their relatively brief presence in your life will be full of love and affection. No wonder they can fetch up to a whopping $3,500 and more.