Japan Airlines Outdoes its Competitors in New Study

Japan Airlines
Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash

There is yet another reason to visit Japan (as if we needed one). Japan Airlines has been named as the best in the world in a recent study. 

62 airlines were surveyed by Bounce, a luggage storage company. A number of factors were taken into account, including on-time arrivals, percentage of cancellations, meals, in-flight entertainment, comfortability, and staff service, amongst others.

The most consistent across the board was Japan Airlines which had an on-time arrival (OTA) rate of 88.36 and a cancellation rate of just 1.56%. When it came to seat comfort, staff service, meals, and entertainment, the airline scored 4 out of 5 for each.

Overall, Japan Airlines received a score of 8.28.

In second place came Singapore Airlines, which is renowned for its quality. They had the lowest cancellation rate of all with just 0.3%, and also scored 4 out of 5 in the same categories as Japan. Coupled with an OTA of 77.39%, Singapore Airlines scored 7.63.

Qatar Airways rounded out the top three. They, too, scored highly on entertainment, meals, comfort, and staff services; as well as having a cancellation rate just above Singapore at 0.33%. Their overall score came in at 7.50.