\nAfter all, when you get into these sorts of states, becoming stressed or annoyed won’t really help anything. Sometimes all you can do is snap a photo of it and laugh about it with your FB pals.
"],"title":"School of Fish","image":{"name":"d1cp5ew6jsfsrndc.jpg","credit":"Image by Rick Mason / Unsplash","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":539},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":299}}}},{"text":["Sigh! Here we go again. What we find especially hilarious/depressing about this post is that the poster doesn’t actually want to find out the truth. They have simply already decided what they think, and are now asking for evidence to back up their already chosen opinion. \nIf you want evidence, but don’t have, why are you already so sure of what your position is? It truly doesn’t make sense. Oh, the humanity.
"],"title":"Fake News","image":{"name":"ph3d56csh5u72pfu.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":568},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":316}}}},{"text":["Here we have rather a strange request from a perhaps overly paranoid parent. They are asking how they can stop strangers from talking to or smiling at their baby. Now we understand when people are too forward or intruding your personal space, but a small smile at the direction of a cute baby surely can’t offend anyone.\nFortunately, a fellow Facebooker stepped in to tell this parent that they might be being rather unreasonable here.
"],"title":"Back Off Baby","image":{"name":"a3c5w93lln35eq9w.jpg","credit":"Image by pasja1000 / Pixabay ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":473},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":263}}}},{"text":["We love this one. Though there’s a bit of sexism here to assume that it’s always the moms doing the mixing and healing, to total consternation of the dads, it’s still pretty funny to see how one person’s natural homeopathy skills can seem like witchcraft to another.\nWe would quite like to try this magical mix for ourselves, too. Sounds like it would be truly delightful.
"],"title":"Mom Magic","image":{"name":"03xrircdenrb0tkz.jpg","credit":"Image by Yuliya Yuliya / Pixabay","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":455},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":253}}}},{"text":["This one is so weird. Just exactly what is this poster trying to say? Are they anti birth certificates? Or pro them? Really, sometimes we think that people will go to any lengths to try and be opposed to something, even if there’s honestly totally no reason and they are the most inoffensive thing ever.\nI mean, at least take umbrage with pollution, or too much traffic, or something. Don’t go for birth certificates—that’s just silly.
"],"title":"Certifiable","image":{"name":"o1uc28cdah3obcp2.jpg","credit":"Image by Lewis Keegan / Unsplash","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":461},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":256}}}},{"text":["This one would be funny, if it wasn’t actually quite a serious situation. First of all, don’t even get us started on people who post what could well be time-sensitive questions and issues around children’s health on a Facebook forum instead of going straight to a doctor.\nAnd we don’t even know where to begin with this responder, who instead of advising her to consult a professional, starts waffling on about some supplements she recommends. Honestly, we don’t know what to think anymore.
"],"title":"More Oil Based","image":{"name":"56kpvww4e4j9m5li.jpg","credit":"Image by Pexels / Pixabay","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":481},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":267}}}},{"text":["We have to salute this mom. She knows her own weaknesses, and shares with her friends that she simply couldn’t help herself when it came to her 3-year-old daughter’s snacks. \nHowever, though she gave in and ate them, she couldn’t bring herself to admit it to her little one—so she maintained the charade as far as even helping her look for the missing candy. Absolutely hilarious.
"],"title":"Keeping Up Appearances","image":{"name":"ksn64g90yfoisg9g.jpg","credit":" Image by congerdesign / Pixabay","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":489},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":272}}}},{"text":["This one is so cute. We know that becoming a parent means learning a lot of new and unexpected skills, and sometimes motherhood changes and challenges someone in really incredible ways.\nBut we bet you didn’t think that motherhood would also involve honing your skills as a talented actress—but this mom reveals that that’s exactly what she had to end up practicing when she needs to feign interest in her daughter’s stuffed toy collection. So sweet.
"],"title":"Best Mom in a Motion Picture ","image":{"name":"axoe3y6o8nfr4z8k.jpg","credit":"Image by lisa runnels / Pixabay","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":493},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":274}}}},{"text":["When people find out they are expecting a baby for the first time, they always have incredibly high hopes and aspirations for the kind of parent they are going to be. \nBut when the reality comes around, instead of sterilizing everything and being a super inspiring and zen parent, you find yourself bargaining whether you really need to clean pee up or not. Oh, the humanity.
"],"title":"Just Do It!","image":{"name":"247qk69qb0yev7kq.jpg","credit":"Photo by Helena Lopes / Unsplash ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":451},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":251}}}},{"text":["This one is kind of sad, but also just so funny. We all try to keep our children’s innocence for as long as possible, maintaining the dream of lovely ideas such as Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy.\nBut that is of course more difficult when you have more than one child, because the older kids will be making it their mission to destroy the younger one and their sense of adventure at all times. Kids gotta learn somehow, I guess.
"],"title":"Bursting the Bubble","image":{"name":"f67ubv99sfc4ta19.jpg","credit":"Image by Pexels / Pixabay ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":489},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":272}}}},{"text":["We know that as soon as a man becomes a father, he instantly somehow gains a new sense of humor, involving the silliest and most groan-inducing jokes and puns. And so when we first read this dad joke, we thought it would be that sort of humor—but in fact this is even funnier.\nBecause it’s not actually a joke, just a long-suffering observation of what life with toddlers is truly like. Lol!
"],"title":"Dad Joke","image":{"name":"c39hmlv0c22ncskz.jpg","credit":"Image by Christian Birkholz / Pixabay ","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":459},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":255}}}},{"text":["We are not quite sure what is going on in this picture here. We can see that this young boy has certainly got a lot of angry or upset-looking faces on this sheet, but did he choose one of them? Or are all of these faces a summary of his current emotions?\nOr is it actually nothing to do with these faces, but the fact that he angrily ripped out a big chunk of the paper itself? We may never know.
"],"title":"Say What You Feel","image":{"name":"edtztvtjko02iler.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":741},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":412}}}},{"text":["This mother posted on Facebook, \"She just voluntarily ate a bug. But she still won't try pizza. The dose of reality\"\nWe know that sometimes kids can be pretty fussy when it comes to food, and they can have random or niche desires for what they do or don’t want to eat.\nBut normally you would think that, whatever anyone’s preferences, all kids love a bit of pizza, right? Well, in this case, you’d be wrong—because this little girl prefers to eat live bug than a slice of the good stuff. There’s just no understanding some people honestly.
"],"title":"Dietary Requirements","image":{"name":"yjpgulo1s1d72qs1.jpg","credit":"Image by Nimrod Oren / Pixabay","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":507,"height":357},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":282}}}},{"text":["Life as a mom can be pretty full-on, and not just because the little people in your life need constant entertaining, not to mention feeding, bathing, and getting off to sleep.\nBut that’s before you even begin to think about the unholy MESS that children seem to be able to make at a moment’s notice. This mom decided to take a moment’s break from her constant cleaning schedule, only to make up for it with interest. The struggle is real.
"],"title":"Non Stop ","image":{"name":"x4gqhq9xvpirbt69.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":720},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["We had to read this one quite a few times, and we are still not quite sure what times the parent and kid are describing to each other here. However, it’s a neat way to get your child to tell the time super early in the morning without you even having to open your eyes. \nThe only problem is getting them to listen when you tell them to go back to bed.
"],"title":"Sleepy Time","image":{"name":"bck8hizvwxjwkaht.jpg","credit":"Photo by Gregory Pappas / Unsplash","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":461},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":256}}}}]}; When you become a parent for the first time, it’s incredibly helpful to have fellow moms to talk to about all the new and sometimes stressful experiences you go through. And the advice you can get from mommy Facebook groups can be so useful and a great way to get support.
However, other times these FB groups can attract some of the most bonkers and out-of-the-box ideas—with the most hilarious responses. Let’s take a look at some of the wildest things ever posted in these mommy Facebook groups.
We really wonder who exactly would make such an important decision based off of feedback from a Facebook group, but the internet is certainly full of weird and wonderful ideas on all subjects.

Image by Jon Tyson / Unsplash
Take this hilarious post for example. Would you really ever name your baby “Neon”? we suppose it’s a pretty original and memorable name, and maybe a bit futuristic, but just imagine the poor kid being called out in the playground.
There are plenty of new age and hippy-type parents these days who like to take as much ownership as possible of the various parenting tasks and rites of passage. And that’s great, but sometimes, there are just certain things that you should really leave to the professionals.
Take for example circumcision? That’s not exactly the kind of thing you can just have a stab at—excuse the pun.
We are all for experimenting with alternative medicines and trying natural methods of healing, but sometimes you just have to be sensible.

Image by Neven Krcmarek / Unsplash
But when you are dealing with a CHILD with CONCUSSION, this is hardly the time to be faffing around with some pleasant-smelling oils. Go to a doctor, for Pete’s sake! Fortunately, the other moms in this group put her straight and she went for proper medical attention.
Oh dear oh dear. If there is one thing we can always strive to do for our children, it’s put some savings away to invest in their future.
Except for this one Facebook mom who revealed that she did amass some savings, but then spent it all on her own Monat business. Never say never, but we are not sure this is going to end so well.
The internet is truly a veritable treasure trove of oil-obsessed Facebook moms, but this post truly takes the cake. we mean, it’s one thing to be so dedicated to one’s own oil supplement usage, but to be this obsessed with forcing your teenage son to take them too?

Image by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash
Seriously, sneaking them into his foods…RUBBING your own oily self onto him? We just can’t. The world has truly gone mad.
We are not quite sure why this post turned up in a parenting group, but ok. We are also not quite sure what actually is the point of the story—we can see they clearly feel strongly that they are duty-bound to share the tale, but not really what the story itself actually means.

Image by Elena Kloppenburg / Unsplash
Also, it’s pretty dubious to us that someone would have such a clear memory from that age. But you never know, we suppose.