Facebook Moms Share Their Most Hilarious Parenting Group Fails

Originally published on our site mydailymagazine.com

When you become a parent for the first time, it’s incredibly helpful to have fellow moms to talk to about all the new and sometimes stressful experiences you go through. And the advice you can get from mommy Facebook groups can be so useful and a great way to get support.

However, other times these FB groups can attract some of the most bonkers and out-of-the-box ideas—with the most hilarious responses. Let’s take a look at some of the wildest things ever posted in these mommy Facebook groups.

Baby Names

We really wonder who exactly would make such an important decision based off of feedback from a Facebook group, but the internet is certainly full of weird and wonderful ideas on all subjects.

Baby Names

Take this hilarious post for example. Would you really ever name your baby “Neon”? we suppose it’s a pretty original and memorable name, and maybe a bit futuristic, but just imagine the poor kid being called out in the playground.

Do It Yourself

There are plenty of new age and hippy-type parents these days who like to take as much ownership as possible of the various parenting tasks and rites of passage. And that’s great, but sometimes, there are just certain things that you should really leave to the professionals.

Do It Yourself

Take for example circumcision? That’s not exactly the kind of thing you can just have a stab at—excuse the pun.

Oil Be Damned

We are all for experimenting with alternative medicines and trying natural methods of healing, but sometimes you just have to be sensible.

Oil Be Damned

But when you are dealing with a CHILD with CONCUSSION, this is hardly the time to be faffing around with some pleasant-smelling oils. Go to a doctor, for Pete’s sake! Fortunately, the other moms in this group put her straight and she went for proper medical attention.

College Funds

Oh dear oh dear. If there is one thing we can always strive to do for our children, it’s put some savings away to invest in their future.

College Funds

Except for this one Facebook mom who revealed that she did amass some savings, but then spent it all on her own Monat business. Never say never, but we are not sure this is going to end so well.

Oil Aboard

The internet is truly a veritable treasure trove of oil-obsessed Facebook moms, but this post truly takes the cake. we mean, it’s one thing to be so dedicated to one’s own oil supplement usage, but to be this obsessed with forcing your teenage son to take them too?

Oil Aboard

Seriously, sneaking them into his foods…RUBBING your own oily self onto him? We just can’t. The world has truly gone mad.


We are not quite sure why this post turned up in a parenting group, but ok. We are also not quite sure what actually is the point of the story—we can see they clearly feel strongly that they are duty-bound to share the tale, but not really what the story itself actually means.


Also, it’s pretty dubious to us that someone would have such a clear memory from that age. But you never know, we suppose.

Originally published on our site mydailymagazine.com