Can’t Decide Where to Eat in a New City? We’re Here to Help

French food
Photo by Chevanon Photography

One of the best ways to learn about a new place is through its food. Each city has its own culinary fingerprint and part of the travel experience is getting to taste as you go. But how do you decide what’s worth tasting?

Avoid the Tourist Traps

Some places cater specifically for visitors with grand décor and a menu that comes in various languages, but a local would never be caught dead in there. These are the ones to stay far away from. Their food is often overpriced and not as authentic as a smaller, humbler joint that is committed to making good food as opposed to attracting tourists.

Local Knows Best

Trust us, the people on the street will be your best bet when it comes to finding somewhere fabulous to eat. Ask passers-by, taxi drivers, shopkeepers, and hotel staff which are their favorite spots. You’ll know it’s good if the place is bustling with locals. 

Blog About It

Social media is filled with food influencers and bloggers who spend their time seeking out the best places to dine. Take a digital journey through Instagram and indulge in the real photographs of the dishes that you need to sink your teeth into.