After Feeling Sick all Day, Model Was Surprised By What She Discovered in the Bathroom

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They say that nobody can really prepare you for child birth, no matter who many times you read about what you’re expecting. So how does it feel for someone to be surprised with their little bundle of joy when they weren’t expecting?

The Australian model Erin Langmaid seemed to be streaming smoothly through all the ebbs and flows of life, until October 29, 2019. Out of nowhere, Erin started to feel quite ill and decided to take it easy for the day and stay at home.

She was utterly surprised, however, when, after no signs at all for nine months, she started going into labor.

But it wouldn’t be until later that day that she would figure out exactly what was going on.

Read on to discover more about this life-changing even — and how it was even possible!

The Milestone Ages of Adolescents

There are all sorts of milestone ages we go through while we’re growing up and transition from child to adult. The transition from pre-teen middle school years to high school; the honorary age of sweet sixteen and learning how to drive; the exhilarating age of freedom when becoming a legal adult at eighteen; and, of course, the exciting age of 21 and owning the title of young adult.

The Milestone Ages of Adolescents

But for some reason, it seems that life likes to throw things around and test us with a few curve balls in our mid-20s. Right? And both Erin Langmaid and Dan Carty were no strangers to this.

So Far So Good, On Paper

At the young age of 23, Erin Langmaid was doing her best to enjoy her life to the fullest while also working to turn her life into what she had imagined.

Just like many young artists, she was working hard to maintain a balanced life as a model with her full-time job as a pharmacist. And thankfully, through it all, she had a great, loving boyfriend, Dan Carty, by her side to help her take on any challenge that came her way.

Their love for each other grew stronger every day, however, for Erin, having kids was something she wanted to save for later in life.

So Far So Good, On Paper

So far, on paper, everything seemed to be going in the direction Erin was aiming towards. But underneath it all, a completely different plan was in the works – for both her and Dan.

Hang On, There’s Two

While the start of Erin’s October days seemed to be a bit low, it turned out to be one of the most life-changing days of her life.

On October 29, 2019, Erin woke up feeling under the weather, and decided to take it easy and rest at home. However, the pain wasn’t going away and she couldn’t figure out why. As soon as she went to the bathroom, however, it all made sense to her – or so she thought.

Hang On, There’s Two

Out of nowhere she shrieked and Dan had rushed into the bathroom to make sure she was okay. “I heard a scream and I ran in there and then I saw the little one and I thought, hang on there's two,” Dan shared with Australia’s 7News.

October 29, 2019

Somehow, someway, Erin Langmaid had just given birth to a baby girl in her bathroom, with no idea that she was even pregnant at all!

But how was this possible? Where did this baby come from?

She was a model and hadn’t gained any weight or shown any symptoms at all. And on top of that, she had been taking contraceptive injections this whole time. And sure, all day long she had been feeling a bit of stomach pains, but she figured it was just from menstrual cramps.

October 29, 2019

Nothing made sense to neither her nor Dan. But that was the least of their concerns once they had both laid eyes on their new, beautiful baby.

Paternal Instincts

You can probably imagine how confusing it must have been for the both of them to be standing in the bathroom together, trying to process and comprehend the situation. But before they could even discuss it, Dan’s paternal instincts kicked in and he noticed that something was wrong with the baby.

While Erin seemed to be fine after she had just given birth, the baby was in a much different state.

Paternal Instincts

Dan didn’t care about anything else in that moment other than making sure the two were okay. He immediately grabbed the phone and called for emergent help. What was wrong with the baby?

“Mother’s Okay and The Baby Is Not Okay”

Dan grabbed his phone and dialed 000 – Australia’s primary emergency number – as quickly as he could. When the emergency operator answered, Dan explained the situation.

The operator then asked, “How many weeks pregnant was she?” To which Dan replied, “We don’t… we didn’t know she was pregnant. Mother’s okay and the baby is not okay.”

When the operator then asked what was going on with the baby, Dan replied with a shaky, disheartening voice, “It’s just… going… blue.”

“Mother’s Okay and The Baby Is Not Okay”

It seemed like the baby wasn’t breathing and the couple needed to act fast to save their precious girl’s life.

Originally published on our site