3 Ways Travel is Good for Your Health

Why travel is good for your health
Photo by Drif Riadh on Unsplash

It’s a generally agreed-upon truth among travelers that traveling is good for you. After all, you can just feel it intuitively. But did you know that there are actual concrete, proven ways that travel is good for your health? So next time you’re debating about whether or not to take a trip, remember these three ways in which travel is good for your health.

Travel is Good for Your Heart

A 2019 study published in the journal Psychology & Health shows that workers who took more vacation days had fewer metabolic syndrome symptoms and incidents, even decreasing their risk for metabolic syndrome by nearly a quarter each time they took a vacation.

Travel Helps You Manage Stress

Another study, published in 2018, shows that taking a vacation—even a short one like a four-day weekend—can decrease your stress levels for five weeks following the trip.

Travel Can Help You Be More Creative

According to research published by Adam Galinsky through the American Psychology Association, people who have spent a lot of time abroad tend to have higher creativity than those who don’t. After all, travel is a great way to experience new ideas and cultures, broadening your worldview and perspective.