3 Crucial Travel Essentials You’re Always Forgetting to Pack

Photo by Kristine Wook on Unsplash

People either hate or love packing for their trips, but no matter how you feel about this task, you’re probably always forgetting a thing or two. Some of them are so important that they should never be forgotten, and these three essentials fall under that category.

First Aid Kit

You should always make some room for a basic first aid kit in your suitcase or backpack, especially if you’re embarking on an adventure-filled trip. It’s also smart to pack some basic medicine cabinet staples, such as painkillers and cough medicine.

Power Bank

Chances are you’re never forgetting your charger, but power bank is another story. It’s equally important because it allows you to charge your phone on the go, which can come in handy when you’re using your camera and offline maps all day long.

Printed Documents

Most people rely on smartphones these days, to the point they’re not bringing any printed documents along. Things could get tricky if your phone runs out of battery or if you end up losing it, so it’s always better to have a backup copy of all travel documents by your side.