Christ the Redeemer Archives - Traveler Master Traveler Master Mon, 23 Aug 2021 13:04:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Christ the Redeemer Archives - Traveler Master 32 32 Visit the 7 Wonders of the World Thu, 26 Aug 2021 06:00:00 +0000 If you’ve just recently swallowed the travel bug, or you’ve been traveling for decades, it’s never too late to take on new challenges. When it comes to visiting iconic destinations, perhaps one of the biggest challenges one can take is to visit the seven wonders of the world. We aren’t talking about the seven wonders […]

The post Visit the 7 Wonders of the World appeared first on Traveler Master.

If you’ve just recently swallowed the travel bug, or you’ve been traveling for decades, it’s never too late to take on new challenges. When it comes to visiting iconic destinations, perhaps one of the biggest challenges one can take is to visit the seven wonders of the world.

We aren’t talking about the seven wonders of the ancient world, which includes landmarks you can no longer visit. We’re talking about places you can literally see today—as long as you have enough time and money. Here are the seven wonders:

The Taj Mahal – Agra, India

The Taj Mahal was made as a tribute of love by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his deceased wife Mumtaz Mahal. Incidentally, the site itself is just as beautiful as the original reason it was made.

Machu Picchu – Peru

It’s not hard to see why this 15th-century Inca citadel would be a fun place to visit. The scenery is just breathtaking, and its polished dry-stone walls are truly impressive.

Christ the Redeemer – Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

A statue of Jesus Christ made of reinforced concrete and soapstone, it’s a breathtaking work of art that one can appreciate even if they aren’t necessarily religious.

The Colosseum – Rome, Italy

You can choose to either focus on or ignore the Colosseum’s fascinating, albeit barbaric history—and in the process appreciate how majestic it is.

Chichen Itza – Yucatan, Mexico

This archaeological site was built by the Mayans and is the most visited location in Mexico. Go there to learn more about its fascinating history.

Petra – Ma’an, Jordan

Also called “Rose City” due to its gorgeous color, this archeological city can be explored after entering a 1.2 kilometer-long gorge.

The Great Wall of China – Huairou District, China

There are few places on earth that are quite as jaw-dropping as the Great Wall of China. As the name suggests, the wall extends a whopping 13,170 miles.

The post Visit the 7 Wonders of the World appeared first on Traveler Master.

Best Ways to Take Photos with Rio’s Christ the Redeemer Statue Mon, 03 Aug 2020 08:26:00 +0000 Christ the Redeemer statue is one of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s top attractions, and everyone who visits it wants to leave with a good photo they’ll cherish forever. Taking pics with this imposing statue can be tough, but here’s a couple of ideas you can use for inspiration. Copy the Pose One of the most […]

The post Best Ways to Take Photos with Rio’s Christ the Redeemer Statue appeared first on Traveler Master.

Christ the Redeemer statue is one of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s top attractions, and everyone who visits it wants to leave with a good photo they’ll cherish forever. Taking pics with this imposing statue can be tough, but here’s a couple of ideas you can use for inspiration.

Copy the Pose

One of the most popular ways to take photos with this statue is copying its pose by outstretching both of your arms. Whether you’re posing with your face or your back facing the camera, you can’t go wrong with this shot, and it’s truly a timeless classic.

Good Spot

One of the biggest mistakes people make while taking a photos here is standing directly in front of the statue and thinking it’s the best spot to take the picture. Get a little bit more creative with your shots, and step away from the statue while looking for a perfect angle.

No Full-Body Shots

Christ the Redeemer is one of Rio’s busiest attractions and that makes it difficult to take full-body shot images. If you want the entire statue and no other people in your frame, you’ll only be able to fit your face and upper body in, so find a way to work with that.

The post Best Ways to Take Photos with Rio’s Christ the Redeemer Statue appeared first on Traveler Master.

Interesting Facts About Brazil’s Most Recognizable Landmark Sun, 05 Jan 2020 12:05:22 +0000 If Rio de Janeiro is one of the cities on your bucket list, chances are you won’t leave it without seeing the Christ the Redeemer statue in the flash. This monument is one of Brazil’s most recognizable landmarks, and here’s a couple of things you probably didn’t know about it. Different Vision Several designs were […]

The post Interesting Facts About Brazil’s Most Recognizable Landmark appeared first on Traveler Master.

If Rio de Janeiro is one of the cities on your bucket list, chances are you won’t leave it without seeing the Christ the Redeemer statue in the flash. This monument is one of Brazil’s most recognizable landmarks, and here’s a couple of things you probably didn’t know about it.

Different Vision

Several designs were proposed before the masterminds behind this statue settled for the current design. Originally, it was supposed to be holding a globe and a Christian cross rather than having two open arms.

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ГЛАВНЫЙ СИМВОЛ БРАЗИЛИИ🇧🇷 ⠀ Рио-де-Жанейро, статуя Христа-Искупителя смотрит на нас со всех брошюр о Бразилии и не посетить ее я просто не могла. ⠀ Сразу скажу, что все фото этого потрясающего места сделаны с высоты птичьего полёта и того вида с открытки, поднявшись наверх вы не увидите. Чтобы увидеть Христа НА фоне потрясающего Рио, нужно лететь на вертолете, что кстати легко организовать примерно за 8-10 тр. ⠀ Но стоит ли на это тратить деньги? Мне кажется нет☺На вершине горы Корковаду туристов ждёт небольшая смотровая площадка с внушительной статуей посредине. На мой взгляд, это место обязательно к посещению совершенно не ради статуи, а из-за умопомрачительного вида, который открывается с высоты на изумрудные горы Рио, извивающуюся береговую линию с золотыми песчаными пляжами и бирюзовыми водами Атлантики-цвета, которыми так прекрасно вырисовывается флаг Бразилии🇧🇷 ⠀ Меня эта красота так глубоко впечатлила, что я просто зависла на неопределенное время на краю площадки, окунувшись в эту живую открытку перед моими глазами и не замечала толпы туристов за спиной, как будто я была там одна, только Я и Рио😍Незаметно солнце начало убегать от меня за горизонт, окрашивая небо в восхитительный пудрово-розовый цвет. В тот момент, я даже про телефон забыла и просто была в моменте❤Я привезла эту картинку с собой, записанную на жесткий диск в моей голове, и обязательно буду ее пересматривать снова и снова закрывая глаза среди серых холодных будней. ⠀ А где у вас перехватывало дыхание от красоты перед глазами, так что все вокруг теряло значение?😍Делитесь в комментариях☺ #нина_в_рио

A post shared by Nina | Красиво о путешествиях (@pray_love_eat_repeat) on

Hidden Notes

The outer shell of this statue is covered with six million soapstone tiles. Legend has it that the workers wrote tiny notes on their back, covering the statue with countless hidden messages.

Getting Darker

This statue is instantly recognizable thanks to its light shade, but this may change in the future. The light-colored stone used during its construction is hard to get by, and the monument will get gradually darker with each renovation.

Hit by Lightning

Christ the Redeemer’s mountaintop position makes it extremely exposed to lightning strikes. It tends to get hit three to six times a year, and one of its thumbs even ended up being broken when lighting struck in 2014.

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Dá para contar nos dedos as cidades do mundo conhecidas por seus slogans. Roma, Cidade Eterna. Paris, Cidade-Luz. Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Maravilhosa. O Rio é Oscar de cenário, direção de arte, casting, (falta de) figurino, roteiro e trilha sonora original. Tudo o que é feito ao ar livre no Rio tem aparência, gosto, textura e consistência de férias. O carioca pode não se dar conta, mas fazer jogging no calçadão às 6 da manhã é como sair um pouco de férias todos os dias. Tomar um chope depois do trabalho é férias. Num domingo de sol, outras cidades param – mas o Rio entra em férias. É um prazer estar num lugar tão bem equipado para as férias dos seus habitantes. Para deixar tudo ainda mais bonito, chegue pela Ponte Aérea. Um dos shows mais deslumbrantes do planeta, pelo preço de uma passagem de avião. E a segurança? "Veja bem: nada do que sai no noticiário é mentira". Mas tem também o que não sai no noticiário. O que não dá manchete no jornal: a qualquer hora do dia você encontra mais gente caminhando, consumindo e se divertindo nas ruas do RJ do que em qualquer bairro de qualquer cidade do Brasil. Os argentinos estão por toda parte. Na praia, nas atrações turísticas, no supermercado, felizes da vida, feito mineiros em Guarapari. A expansão da hotelaria para a Olimpíada trouxe hotéis novinhos, funcionais e em conta – e provocou uma onda de renovação nos antigos. Pela primeira vez em três décadas, preço de hotel no Rio não assusta. E a grande maioria dos restaurantes abertos entre 2017 e 2018 procura pegar leve na coluna do preço. Nos últimos anos, deslocar-se pelo Rio ficou mais fácil e seguro. O simpático bonde VLT leva com toda segurança às novas atrações do Boulevard Olímpico. O metrô, agora chega a Ipanema, Leblon e início da Barra da Tijuca. E com táxi de aplicativo e Uber, ser enrolado por taxista no Rio é coisa do passado. Vai por mim: hospede-se num hotel perto do metrô, explore o Boulevard Olímpico, redescubra as atrações tradicionais do Centro e sua viagem será inesquecível. #Rio_Destaque #RiodeJaneiro

A post shared by 𝐃𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐞 𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐨: (@rio_destaque) on

The post Interesting Facts About Brazil’s Most Recognizable Landmark appeared first on Traveler Master.

ersion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Christ the Redeemer Archives - Traveler Master Traveler Master Mon, 23 Aug 2021 13:04:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Christ the Redeemer Archives - Traveler Master 32 32 Visit the 7 Wonders of the World Thu, 26 Aug 2021 06:00:00 +0000 If you’ve just recently swallowed the travel bug, or you’ve been traveling for decades, it’s never too late to take on new challenges. When it comes to visiting iconic destinations, perhaps one of the biggest challenges one can take is to visit the seven wonders of the world. We aren’t talking about the seven wonders […]

The post Visit the 7 Wonders of the World appeared first on Traveler Master.

If you’ve just recently swallowed the travel bug, or you’ve been traveling for decades, it’s never too late to take on new challenges. When it comes to visiting iconic destinations, perhaps one of the biggest challenges one can take is to visit the seven wonders of the world.

We aren’t talking about the seven wonders of the ancient world, which includes landmarks you can no longer visit. We’re talking about places you can literally see today—as long as you have enough time and money. Here are the seven wonders:

The Taj Mahal – Agra, India

The Taj Mahal was made as a tribute of love by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his deceased wife Mumtaz Mahal. Incidentally, the site itself is just as beautiful as the original reason it was made.

Machu Picchu – Peru

It’s not hard to see why this 15th-century Inca citadel would be a fun place to visit. The scenery is just breathtaking, and its polished dry-stone walls are truly impressive.

Christ the Redeemer – Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

A statue of Jesus Christ made of reinforced concrete and soapstone, it’s a breathtaking work of art that one can appreciate even if they aren’t necessarily religious.

The Colosseum – Rome, Italy

You can choose to either focus on or ignore the Colosseum’s fascinating, albeit barbaric history—and in the process appreciate how majestic it is.

Chichen Itza – Yucatan, Mexico

This archaeological site was built by the Mayans and is the most visited location in Mexico. Go there to learn more about its fascinating history.

Petra – Ma’an, Jordan

Also called “Rose City” due to its gorgeous color, this archeological city can be explored after entering a 1.2 kilometer-long gorge.

The Great Wall of China – Huairou District, China

There are few places on earth that are quite as jaw-dropping as the Great Wall of China. As the name suggests, the wall extends a whopping 13,170 miles.

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Best Ways to Take Photos with Rio’s Christ the Redeemer Statue Mon, 03 Aug 2020 08:26:00 +0000 Christ the Redeemer statue is one of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s top attractions, and everyone who visits it wants to leave with a good photo they’ll cherish forever. Taking pics with this imposing statue can be tough, but here’s a couple of ideas you can use for inspiration. Copy the Pose One of the most […]

The post Best Ways to Take Photos with Rio’s Christ the Redeemer Statue appeared first on Traveler Master.

Christ the Redeemer statue is one of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s top attractions, and everyone who visits it wants to leave with a good photo they’ll cherish forever. Taking pics with this imposing statue can be tough, but here’s a couple of ideas you can use for inspiration.

Copy the Pose

One of the most popular ways to take photos with this statue is copying its pose by outstretching both of your arms. Whether you’re posing with your face or your back facing the camera, you can’t go wrong with this shot, and it’s truly a timeless classic.

Good Spot

One of the biggest mistakes people make while taking a photos here is standing directly in front of the statue and thinking it’s the best spot to take the picture. Get a little bit more creative with your shots, and step away from the statue while looking for a perfect angle.

No Full-Body Shots

Christ the Redeemer is one of Rio’s busiest attractions and that makes it difficult to take full-body shot images. If you want the entire statue and no other people in your frame, you’ll only be able to fit your face and upper body in, so find a way to work with that.

The post Best Ways to Take Photos with Rio’s Christ the Redeemer Statue appeared first on Traveler Master.

Interesting Facts About Brazil’s Most Recognizable Landmark Sun, 05 Jan 2020 12:05:22 +0000 If Rio de Janeiro is one of the cities on your bucket list, chances are you won’t leave it without seeing the Christ the Redeemer statue in the flash. This monument is one of Brazil’s most recognizable landmarks, and here’s a couple of things you probably didn’t know about it. Different Vision Several designs were […]

The post Interesting Facts About Brazil’s Most Recognizable Landmark appeared first on Traveler Master.

If Rio de Janeiro is one of the cities on your bucket list, chances are you won’t leave it without seeing the Christ the Redeemer statue in the flash. This monument is one of Brazil’s most recognizable landmarks, and here’s a couple of things you probably didn’t know about it.

Different Vision

Several designs were proposed before the masterminds behind this statue settled for the current design. Originally, it was supposed to be holding a globe and a Christian cross rather than having two open arms.

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ГЛАВНЫЙ СИМВОЛ БРАЗИЛИИ🇧🇷 ⠀ Рио-де-Жанейро, статуя Христа-Искупителя смотрит на нас со всех брошюр о Бразилии и не посетить ее я просто не могла. ⠀ Сразу скажу, что все фото этого потрясающего места сделаны с высоты птичьего полёта и того вида с открытки, поднявшись наверх вы не увидите. Чтобы увидеть Христа НА фоне потрясающего Рио, нужно лететь на вертолете, что кстати легко организовать примерно за 8-10 тр. ⠀ Но стоит ли на это тратить деньги? Мне кажется нет☺На вершине горы Корковаду туристов ждёт небольшая смотровая площадка с внушительной статуей посредине. На мой взгляд, это место обязательно к посещению совершенно не ради статуи, а из-за умопомрачительного вида, который открывается с высоты на изумрудные горы Рио, извивающуюся береговую линию с золотыми песчаными пляжами и бирюзовыми водами Атлантики-цвета, которыми так прекрасно вырисовывается флаг Бразилии🇧🇷 ⠀ Меня эта красота так глубоко впечатлила, что я просто зависла на неопределенное время на краю площадки, окунувшись в эту живую открытку перед моими глазами и не замечала толпы туристов за спиной, как будто я была там одна, только Я и Рио😍Незаметно солнце начало убегать от меня за горизонт, окрашивая небо в восхитительный пудрово-розовый цвет. В тот момент, я даже про телефон забыла и просто была в моменте❤Я привезла эту картинку с собой, записанную на жесткий диск в моей голове, и обязательно буду ее пересматривать снова и снова закрывая глаза среди серых холодных будней. ⠀ А где у вас перехватывало дыхание от красоты перед глазами, так что все вокруг теряло значение?😍Делитесь в комментариях☺ #нина_в_рио

A post shared by Nina | Красиво о путешествиях (@pray_love_eat_repeat) on

Hidden Notes

The outer shell of this statue is covered with six million soapstone tiles. Legend has it that the workers wrote tiny notes on their back, covering the statue with countless hidden messages.

Getting Darker

This statue is instantly recognizable thanks to its light shade, but this may change in the future. The light-colored stone used during its construction is hard to get by, and the monument will get gradually darker with each renovation.

Hit by Lightning

Christ the Redeemer’s mountaintop position makes it extremely exposed to lightning strikes. It tends to get hit three to six times a year, and one of its thumbs even ended up being broken when lighting struck in 2014.

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Dá para contar nos dedos as cidades do mundo conhecidas por seus slogans. Roma, Cidade Eterna. Paris, Cidade-Luz. Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Maravilhosa. O Rio é Oscar de cenário, direção de arte, casting, (falta de) figurino, roteiro e trilha sonora original. Tudo o que é feito ao ar livre no Rio tem aparência, gosto, textura e consistência de férias. O carioca pode não se dar conta, mas fazer jogging no calçadão às 6 da manhã é como sair um pouco de férias todos os dias. Tomar um chope depois do trabalho é férias. Num domingo de sol, outras cidades param – mas o Rio entra em férias. É um prazer estar num lugar tão bem equipado para as férias dos seus habitantes. Para deixar tudo ainda mais bonito, chegue pela Ponte Aérea. Um dos shows mais deslumbrantes do planeta, pelo preço de uma passagem de avião. E a segurança? "Veja bem: nada do que sai no noticiário é mentira". Mas tem também o que não sai no noticiário. O que não dá manchete no jornal: a qualquer hora do dia você encontra mais gente caminhando, consumindo e se divertindo nas ruas do RJ do que em qualquer bairro de qualquer cidade do Brasil. Os argentinos estão por toda parte. Na praia, nas atrações turísticas, no supermercado, felizes da vida, feito mineiros em Guarapari. A expansão da hotelaria para a Olimpíada trouxe hotéis novinhos, funcionais e em conta – e provocou uma onda de renovação nos antigos. Pela primeira vez em três décadas, preço de hotel no Rio não assusta. E a grande maioria dos restaurantes abertos entre 2017 e 2018 procura pegar leve na coluna do preço. Nos últimos anos, deslocar-se pelo Rio ficou mais fácil e seguro. O simpático bonde VLT leva com toda segurança às novas atrações do Boulevard Olímpico. O metrô, agora chega a Ipanema, Leblon e início da Barra da Tijuca. E com táxi de aplicativo e Uber, ser enrolado por taxista no Rio é coisa do passado. Vai por mim: hospede-se num hotel perto do metrô, explore o Boulevard Olímpico, redescubra as atrações tradicionais do Centro e sua viagem será inesquecível. #Rio_Destaque #RiodeJaneiro

A post shared by 𝐃𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐞 𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐨: (@rio_destaque) on

The post Interesting Facts About Brazil’s Most Recognizable Landmark appeared first on Traveler Master.
